
STERI-MED PHARMA involved in its community

STERI-MED PHARMA is proud to have taken part as a sponsor in the installation of water games in the City of Upton during the summer of 2021. "The water features are part of the cultural and community life of Upton. It's a great example of community spirit. The water is recuperated, which makes these facilities an eco-responsible vocation to these installations. It is the very definition of sustainable development." - Guy Lapointe, Mayor of Upton Municipality.

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Corporate name and image change for Sterigen Laboratories Inc.

Sterigen Laboratories Inc. became STERI-MED PHARMA INC. in January 2021. In the summer of 2018, the LSL Group took over the operational and financial management of Sterigen Laboratories. In July 2020, LSL acquired the company and became its owner. The philosophy brought by the new management of STERI-MED PHARMA is based on ethical values that allow the expansion strategy to be maintained, in line with the company's objectives and vision. For this reason, it was imperative to create a new corporate image.

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